• Jeffrey Tirsch, D.C.
    Treating patients with domestic, work related, and sports injuries
    for over two decades.

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No one would disagree that shoulders and arms are pretty convenient things to have. The Designer of the human body made the shoulders with special kinds of joints that allow wide ranging, rotating movement. Not only can we swing a hand we're holding, but also we can wave "hello" with both arms thrown over our heads in greeting. Our arms are beautifully made to carry tools and babies, reach into a car's interior or raise a flag or fork.

Of course, many people's lives and jobs depend on their shoulders and arms. Our country was built by broad shoulders and strong working arms.

No one would disagree that losing some ability of the shoulders and arms is, at least, inconvenient. Pain and immobility in these areas can have drastic consequences. Everyone, then, should agree that keeping our shoulders and arms in working order is critical. So is returning them to health after injury.

Experts agree that evaluating the cause of the pain is the best way to address the pain. They also agree that the pain, often caused by shoulder instability, cannot be corrected by medication. Masking the pain by using medications is very different from helping the body heal itself of the damage that caused the pain in the first place. In his book, Complete Guide to Sports Injuries, H. Winter Griffith, M.D., states, "Medication cannot correct the underlying condition." In another article, a researcher discussed the limitation of steroid injections to lessen shoulder and arm pain. Though steroids..."have sometimes dramatic alleviation of pain and inflammation, their effect, is, unfortunately, 'short-lived'".

Everyone knows there are medications, including ones we can pick up at any grocery store that are advertised as targeting this problem. However, many people are becoming increasingly concerned about possible negative side effects of all drugs. There is a valid, effective answer, which also comes with the side effect of better over-all ever-after health.

The brain directs the shoulders to raise and the arms to wave in greetings as we want. It's pretty automatic. We don't have to consciously "talk" to our arms to get them to wave. Our brains take care of it using the spinal cord and nerve system to make the motion happen. Any interference, as with a vertebral bone misalignment, cannot only interfere with nerve communication, but also, cause lack of normal motion, inflammation, cramping, and pain. Shoulder stiffness, muscle weakness, and swelling in the area can also result from the original bone misalignment. As Dr. Griffith states: The nerves and blood vessels that supply the shoulders arms, and hands start in the neck (and upper back) and pass as a bundle near the cervical ribs and the collar bone. Pressure on these nerves and blood vessel bundles create symptoms.

Chiropractors work to gently restore motion and message-sending ability back to the areas that have lost it due to over-use, injury, too much stress, or accident: Chiropractors address these misaligned, or subluxated vertebral bones, as the origin of the painful, debilitating symptoms. With educated, precise movements, chiropractors lessen and, in time, help eliminate the misalignments. This allows proper nerve flow to begin again. Motion becomes normal, function is restored, and pain goes away.

Your chiropractor is the one doctor to turn to when you first experience shoulder or arm pain. Your chiropractor may also be able to help with pain and malfunction you have been suffering with for many years. With careful examination, your chiropractor will evaluate your shoulder and spine for possible vertebral bone subluxation, as well as, other possible injury. You will be told the straight form the shoulder information on the damage, specific to your injury, and a course of care will be explained. The sooner you begin, the sooner you can raise your arms over your head and wave "bye" to the pain in your shoulders and arms. Call today for an appointment.

Complete Guide to Sports Injuries, by G Winter Griffith, M.D. 1986, the Putman Berkley Group, Inc.

Chiropractic care is the safest way to treat your pain.